Swansea Transportation Design -Class of 2017
Swansea Transportation Design -Class of 2017

Swansea UWTSD Transportation Design Degree Show 2017

Morgan EV4 concept
Adam Maggs

Adam Maggs’ EV4 concept proposes a new vehicle format for the Morgan brand. The four-passenger all-wheel-drive electric sedan is the culmination of slight exaggerations based on Morgan’s current goals and aspirations, and with the project, Maggs pits the small company as a direct rival to Tesla.

In recent times Morgan has tried to obtain licenses for their vehicles to be sold in the United States and the release of the EV3 is a clear indication of their pursuit and interest in electric vehicles.

The Morgan EV4’s design language is based on the recent but now discontinued Eva GT concept, which was a foray into a more modern car devoid of the company’s wooden frame. Maggs says the body will be made from new magnesium alloy chassis technologies currently being researched and funded by Morgan.

“The overall aim of my Morgan was to reduce the average age of a Morgan owner and to turn those owners into potential repeat customers,” says Maggs who determined the average age of Morgan owners to be 61 years old. He aims to attract high-ranking executives ten or 20 years younger, potentially with families.

“When the children have moved out of the house, the owner will want a two-seater vehicle for him and his partner, which is where Morgan’s current line-up of vehicles will be an attractive solution,” says Maggs.


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